Preserving Paradise Simulation
Training Plan

Mastering the skills to facilitate the Preserving Paradise Simulation requires some training. Use the information provided to familiarize yourself with the resources, the simulator and facilitation techniques. Join us on this learning journey. Welcome to the Preserving Paradise Simulation!

View a Training Webinar

Watch our Preserving Paradise training recording which offers insights into the Preserving Paradise Simulation. We mention how to facilitate an event, demonstrate how the simulator works, and inform you, where to find the required resources.

Review the Guide & Explore Other Facilitator Materials

Examine our facilitator guide to gain a more profound insight into the gameplay of the Preserving Paradise Simulation and learn how to effectively guide an event. After, explore the supplementary materials provided to facilitators.

Explore the PPS Simulator

Familiarize yourself with the PPS Simulator, the simulation model that complements the Wasted Paradise Action Simulation.

Watch our Videos

To enhance your understanding of how the Preserving Paradise Simulation works, watch these videos featuring live sessions and trainings.

Virtual Session of the Wasted Paradise Action Simulation
How to Facilitate the Wasted Paradise Action Simulation
Overview of the WPAS Simulator

Additional Readings

Check out these resources to improve your understanding on systems thinking, climate science, and other topics to complement your facilitation training.

Papers and Additional reads about the Maldives and the Preserving Paradise Simulation

Wasted paradise? Policies for Small Island States to manage tourism-driven growth while controlling waste generation: the case of the Maldives — A published and awarded scientific paper which is the baseline of the PPS
Die MüllinselA Spiegel Article (in German) about the issues in the Maldives, citing the above paper
Tourism Report MaldivesA report about the current development of tourism in the Maldives
Maldives Economic report – A report about the current state and trends of economy in the Maldives

Systems Thinking and Climate Action

• The Climate Leader course — our series of videos about applying systems thinking to climate action 
• “Leverage Points: Places to Intervene in a System” by Donella Meadows – an essay on the areas of a system where there is the most impact. 
• “The Power of Multisolving for People and Climate” — TEDx talk by Dr. Elizabeth Sawin

Climate Change Science

• IPCC AR5 Summary— a condensed, over-arching summary of the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) for Policymakers 
• IPCC Special Report — a summary for Policymakers on the impacts associated specifically with global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels
• Executive Summary of the US National Climate Assessment (for US audiences) — an in-depth report on the present and future impacts of climate change in the United States
• Climate Interactive’s Climate Scoreboard — shows the progress that the national plans submitted to the UN climate negotiations will make in mitigating climate change
• Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) — a general background on carbon capture and sequestration technologies
• Carbon Removal — a general background on carbon removal technologies

Climate Change Communication

• Yale’s Program on Climate Change Communication — explore their research to better understand how climate communication relates to attitude and behavioral changes
• Skeptical Science’s “cheat sheet” — how to talk to climate deniers and combat climate change myths